
This page deals with common issues in running the analysis. For issues with installing or running the software please raise an issue on github.

Error/warning messages

Errors in

If you get an AttributeError:

AttributeError: 'Graph' object has no attribute 'node'

Then your networkx package is out of date. Its version needs to be at >=v2.0.

Trying to create a very large network

When using --refine-model you may see the message:

Warning: trying to create very large network

One or more times. This is triggered if \(5 \times 10^5\) edges or greater than 40% of the maximum possible number of edges have been added into the network. This suggests that the boundary is too large including too many links as within sample. This isn’t necessarily a problem as it can occur at the edge of the optimisation range, so will not be the final optimised result. However, if you have a large number of samples it may make this step run very slowly and/or use a lot of memory. If that is the case, decrease --pos-shift.

Row name mismatch

PopPUNK may throw:

RuntimeError: Row name mismatch. Old: 6999_2#17.fa,6259_5#6.fa
New: 6952_7#16.fa,6259_5#6.fa

This is an error where the mash output order does not match the order in stored databases (.pkl). Most likely, the input files are from different runs, possibly due to using --overwrite. Run again, giving each step its own output directory.

Samples are missing from the final network

When running --assign-query an error such as:

WARNING: Samples 7553_5#54.fa,6999_5#1.fa are missing from the final network

Means that samples present in --distances and or --ref-db are not present in the loaded network. This should be considered an error as it will likely lead to other errors and warnings. Make sure the provided network is the one created by applying the --model-dir to --distances, and that the same output directory has not been used and overwriten by different steps or inputs.

Old cluster split across multiple new clusters

When running --assign-query, after distances have been calculated and queries are being assigned warnings such as:

WARNING: Old cluster 1 split across multiple new clusters

Mean that a single cluster in the original clustering is now split into more than one cluster. This means something has gone wrong, as the addition of new queries should only be able to merge existing clusters, not cause them to split.

Most likely, the --previous-clustering directory is inconsistent with the --ref-db and/or --model-dir. Make sure the clusters are those created from the network being used to assign new queries.

If you want to change cluster names or assign queries to your own cluster definitions you can use the --external-clustering argument instead.

Choosing the right k-mer lengths

When using in the --create-db mode a straight line fit is required. Make sure to run with the --plot-fit option, which will randomly choose a number of sample pairs to plot the relation between k-mer distances and core and accessory fits.

To get a sensitive estimate of accessory distance independent from core distance, a small a k-mer size as possible needs to be included in the fit. However, for longer genomes too small a k-mer size will result in biased estimates of distances as small k-mers will match at random.

Here is an example of a fit with --k-step 2 --min-k 13:

A bad fit to k-mer distances

The genome being fitted is 4.6Mb long, which at 13-mer matches gives a 6% chance of random matches (this information is written to STDERR), resulting in the left-most point being over-estimated. Using exactly the same command, but changing --min-k 15 fixes the issue:

A fixed fit to k-mer distances

A --kmer-step of four is usually sufficient, but drop this to two or three to give the best accuracy.

Using fit refinement when mixture model totally fails

If the mixture model does not give any sort of reasonable fit to the points, you can manually provide a file with --manual-start to give the starting parameters to --refine-fit mode. The format of this file is as follows:

mean0 0,0
mean1 0.5,0.6
start_point 0.3

A key, followed by its value (space separated).

mean0 and mean1 define the points (x,y) to draw the line between, and start_point is the distance along this line to draw the initial boundary (which is normal to the line).

Viewing the network with cytoscape

If you add the --cytoscape option when running --fit-model _cytoscape.graphml and _cytoscape.csv files will be written to the output directory.

Open cytoscape and drag and drop the .graphml file onto the window to import the network. Import -> table -> file to load the CSV. Click ‘Select None’ then add the ‘id’ column as a key, and any required metadata columns (at least the ‘Cluster’ column) as attributes. Make sure ‘Node Table Columns’ is selected as the data type.

Click on ‘Style’ and change the node fill colour to be by cluster, the mapping type as discrete, then right click to autogenerate a colour scheme. You can also modify the node size here. In the Tutorial example, the components are nicely separated and the network has high transitivity:

Cytoscape plot of network

In some cases, edges which are between strain links may have been erroneously included in the network. This could be due to poor model fit, or a poor quality sequence. Use Tools -> NetworkAnalyzer -> Analyze Network to compute information for each node and edge. It may help to analyze connected components separately. They can be split under Tools -> NetworkAnalyzer -> Subnetwork Creation.

Here is an example where an errant node is connecting two clusters into one large cluster, which should be split:

Cytoscape plot of network

The incorrect node in question has a low CluteringCoefficient and high Stress. The EdgeBetweeness of its connections are also high. Sorting the node and edge tables by these columns can find individual problems such as this.

Setting the perplexity parameter for t-SNE

In t-SNE an embedding of the accessory genome distances is found which represents local structure of the data. Isolates with similar accessory content will visually appear in clusters together.

The perplexity sets a guess about the number of close neighbours each point has, and is a trade-off between local and global structure. t-SNE is reasonably robust to changes in the perplexity parameter (set with --perplexity when creating microreact output with --microreact in the``–fit-model`` mode), however we would recommend trying a few values to get a good embedding for the accessory distances.

There is a good discussion of the effect of perplexity here and the sklearn documentation shows some examples of the effect of changing perplexity.

In the Tutorial example, a perplexity of 30 gives clear clustering of the accessory genome content, condordant with the core genome structure (data):

Microreact plot of results with perplexity = 30

With a lower perplexity of 5, the clustering is too loose, and the strain structure cannot clearly be seen (data):

Microreact plot of results with perplexity = 5

30 is a good default, but you may wish to try other values, particularly with larger or smaller datasets. You can re-run the t-SNE using the poppunk_tsne command, providing the distances from the previous run:

poppunk_tsne --distances strain_db/strain_db.dists --output strain_db \
--perplexity 20 --verbosity 1

Dealing with poor quality data

In this example we analyse 76 Haemophilus influenzae isolates. One isolate, 14412_4_15, is contaminated with 12% of reads being Haemophilus parainfluenzae and a total assembly length of 3.8Mb. It should be removed before input, but its presence can also be found with PopPUNK.

With the distances

A fit with three mixture components overestimates the number of between strain links, and gives a network with a poor score (0.6849) and only five components:

A bad fit to pairwise distances

Distances in the top left of the plot, with low core distances and high accessory distances, are due to the contaminated contigs in the isolate. Finding which isolates contribute to these distances reveals a clear culprit:

awk '$3<0.02 && $4 > 0.3 {print $1}' contam_db/ | cut -f 1 | sort | uniq -c
   1 14412_3_81
   1 14412_3_82
   1 14412_3_83
   1 14412_3_84
   1 14412_3_88
   1 14412_3_89
   1 14412_3_91
   1 14412_3_92
   1 14412_4_1
   1 14412_4_10
  28 14412_4_15

In this case it is sufficent to increase the number of mixture components to four, which no longer includes these inflated distances. This gives a score of 0.9401 and 28 components:

A better fit to pairwise distances

The best thing to do is to remove the poor quality isolate, or if possible remove the contaminated reads/contigs from the assembly.

With the network

Alternatively, the network itself can be inspected with --cytoscape. Using the approach detailed in Viewing the network with cytoscape gives the following view:

A better fit to pairwise distances

The contaminated node appears when ordering by ClusteringCoefficient, Stress or TopologicalCoefficient, and its edges appear when ordering by EdgeBetweeness. It can be seen highlighted in the top right component, connecting two clusters which otherwise have no links. It can be removed, and components recalculated in cytoscape directly, though removal from the PopPUNK database is best.

The second largest cluster is also suspicious, where there are few triangles (low transitivity) and the nodes involved have high Stress. This is indicative of a bad fit overall, rather than a single problem sample.

Removing samples from a database

You can use the prune_poppunk command to remove samples from a database, for example those found to be of poor quality (see Dealing with poor quality data). Create a file remove.txt with the names of the samples you wish to remove, one per line, and run:

prune_poppunk --remove remove.txt --distances strain_db/strain_db.dists --output pruned_db

This will remove the samples from the strain_db.dists files, from which --model-fit can be run again.

If you would like to create the mash sketches again, which is recommended if you plan to use --full-db and/or assign future query sequences, add the --resketch argument:

prune_poppunk --remove remove.txt --distances strain_db/strain_db.dists --output pruned_db --resketch --ref-db strain_db --threads 4

Memory/run-time issues

For larger datasets resource use may be challenging. So far the largest dataset we’ve analysed was around 12000 genomes, which used modest computational resources. Here are some tips based on these experiences:

  • Add --threads – they are used fairly efficiently throughout.
  • When running --create-db with many threads, add the --no-stream option. This will trade-off memory for disk usage, as it seems that many threaded mash dist output cannot be processed as fast as it is produced.
  • In --refine-model set --pos-shift 0 to avoid creating huge networks with close to \(N^2\) edges. Mixture models normally need to be pruned.
  • In --refine-model you may add the --no-local option to skip that step and decrease run-time, though gains are likely marginal.
  • Use --rapid-nj, if producing MicroReact output.

Another option for scaling is to run --create-db with a smaller initial set (not using the --full-db command), then use --assign-query to add to this.